
It's all about love

An exploration of Christian song over 30 years period using Spotify and Genius lyrics

Is the table clean?

An IoT solution prototype for table cleanliness in food centre

Exploring Singapore PISA 2018 score

Singapore attained second rank in the PISA 2018 result. This exercise attempts to provide objective evaluation of performances between schools and gender based on the result.

Predictive analytics in R

How visual analytics technique can be used to complement predictive analytics.

Data Viz Makeover 3

Data visualisation critique and makeover on South-east Asia Armed Conflict Analysis dashboard.

Data Viz Makeover 2

Data visualisation critique and makeover on survey response towards COVID19 vaccination between countries.

Data Viz Makeover 1

Data visualisation critique and makeover on labour force visualisation from Singapore Ministry of Manpower 2019 annual report on "Labour Force in Singapore".

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